Research: Secondary, Primary. Primary and evaluative to form solution to create solutions. Presentation:Marketing strategies of your piece, Target audience of your piece, will be presented where? BBC, ITV or Youtube. What channel, where, when and why.
Appropriate information, Believable, the truth
Mood Board
I am going to be showing my film on Channel 4. The reason for this is because Channel 4 had late night television shows that has the same target demographic for my film so the audience will be more inclined to watch. My film will be shown post watershed so it can contain strong language and violence. Below is the schedule for Channel 4 leading up to post watershed hours so you can see the style of content that is being shown.
Social Economic Status
In order to get a precise target audience I am going to look at a the BARB report on the social economic status of the viewers of Channel 4.
Search Engine Optimisation
The way I am going to sue Search Engine Optimisation for my film is by using it to show my film higher in the search listenings on google showing it as a sponsored site. This will be there to link people to the channel 4 site that has my film on it. This means that my film will be shown to people who are looking for Channel 4 on google marketing it towards people who are looking for the same type of content as my product. Here is an example of how it can be used:
Direct address Newsletter
This is going to be a news letter sent out to people who use the channel 4 streaming platform All 4. To sign up for this you must add an email. I am wanting to send an email which has a small news letter attached with the poster that is going to say when it is going to be shown on television and where it is going to be shown. Here is an example of where direct address can be used to promote a product or event:

Social Media Marketing Social Media Demogrpahics
Social Media is going to be used for majority of my marketing since this has the largest reach out of them all. The social media I am going to consider using are Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snap chat and YouTube. The reason for using these social media sites is because of the reach and tools they use. I am going to research each type of social media and their demographics and marketing techniques to see which will be most effective for my product.
Facebook has 2.27billion users so this is a huge audience to show my product to. I am going to focus my add in the UK using Facebook's marketing options. I am also going to make a page for the film which will have posts with exclusive content leading up to the release.
Facebook Demographics
Instagram ads work differently to most since it is not a link to a separate website but to an Instagram, this makes this site more likely to get the clicks that are wanted from this kind of marketing. 71% of Instagram users fit into my demographic making this one of the most impactful sites for my marketing campaign.
Instagram Demographics
Snap chat has a section which is for featured pages and subscriptions which I am going to use to promote my film. Snap chat isn't designed for marketing but can work well for this type of content.
78% of snapchat users are in my target audience which are 18-24 year olds.
Snapchat Demographics
Twitter is one of the most used social media services and is often used alongside a lot of social media sites like YouTube and Instagram. With this social media site advertisements are valued because of the amount of interaction that is happening on the platform making it valuable to marketers. 37% of the users on twitter are my targeted audience.
Twitter Demographics
Youtube is the biggest media sharing platform in the world and amassing 4 billion views every day. This attention is valued to digital marketers and for me it is going to be one the vital parts of my advertising campaign. 1.9 billion users login to Youtube everyday, 37% of those are 18-34 year olds which is my targeted audience.
Youtube Demographics
In conclusion the types of social media I am going to use are Youtube, Instagram and Twitter. The reason for the is because of the engagement of the sites which is important to me since I want people to interact and notice my product so my film performs well.
Magazine Advertisement
The reason I want to use this type if marketing is because of the theme of the piece I am making. I am making a film centered around the 80s, so for this the most appropriate form of marketing is posters. Posters know aren't as effective as before but by placing them as single page advertisements in magazines it makes the film fashionable to a modern market. So the question now is which magazine? The Daily Mail has the highest percentage of readers under 34 which means this is the obvious choice since my target audience is 18-24 year old's.
Newspaper Demographics
Here are the responses to the questionnaire in order. What i was looking for with this survey was a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data as this would give me a good mixture of responses.
(3)If you were to pick an action hero from the 80s that you would like to see be featured in this film who would it be?
(4)Do you think this film(Based on the brief description given before hand) would apply to other people your age such as your friends and classmates?
(8)What types of shows do you watch on this platform?
(9)If you could pick any platform which would you be most likely to watch this show on?
Focus Group
I believe a focus group will be best way of gathering Valid data from my film since I can ask my target demographic specifically what they would like to see. The way i am going to use this focus group is by releasing a paper based survey. This will involve all of the questions from the questionnaire but will be accurate towards my intended audience rather than being accessible to everyone.
I am going to be interviewing Corbyn Back, He is a student at the College of West Anglia in kings Lynn. He is a white male who is 19 years old.
Here are the questions i asked followed by the responses i was given:
(1)When watching a comedy which style are you more drawn to, American or British?
I would rather watch american style comedy's as they tend to be more suited to my type of humor.
I think it because i have grown up watching this style of comedy in american movies so i guess it is what i can relate to the most. I can still enjoy movies like Hot Fuzz as it mocks american films so it make sense still but i don't like how sad and dull British comedy is.
(2)If you were to pick an action hero from the 80's that you would like to see be featured in this film who would it be?
I would like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger from the Terminator. Its an iconic film and you know exactly who he is just by looking at him so i makes the most sense. Also he has awesome lines in those film which are instantly recognizable.
(3) Do you think this film(Based on the brief description given before hand) would apply to other people your age such as your friends and classmates?
I think that my friends would watch this since they tend to watch films like Hot Fuzz.
(4)Which television channels do you tend to watch the most and when?
I don't really watch TV but when I do its like channel 4 and BBC.
(5)If this was to be uploaded onto an online platform would you be more likely to watch it versus a television network?
I would watch it on YouTube since I tend to watch the most shows on streaming platforms
It has become routine for me since i can watch what i want when i want.
(6)Do you use the application All 4?
I used it to watch comedy shows like "Inbetweeners" and "IT Crowd". Recently they brought adult swim shows to all 4 so i'm going to be watching All 4 more.
(7)What types of shows do you watch on this platform?
I watch comedy shows.
(8)If you could pick any platform which would you be most likely to watch this show on?
All 4
I would watch this style of show on All 4 since it is a parody so i think it would fit well on All 4 but i would also release this on YouTube since it is very popular.
What I learned From My Primary Research was that people who watch Channel 4 or All 4 tend to watch it for comedy shows and you can see how Channel 4 is trying to reach this audience by the showing of Adult Swim shows on Channel 4 and All 4. With this new found information i am going to now try and enhance the comedy aspects of my piece so i can target this audience.
What i also learned is that the style of show would encourage people to tell their friends and family about the film i am wanting to create which means that it has targeted my audience correctly since it fashionable which i found through my research of 80's films in modern cinema in my secondary research.
Marketing Theory
When I am marketing my film I am going to be using theor
For my piece I am going to need particular skills in order to get my desired effect, one of the skills I am going to use is parralaxing. This is going to be used for my intro since I am going to be using classic movie posters to introduce the characters. What I am going to need to look at is
Parallaxing Tutorial
I used this tutorial to find out how to make this style of animation since this i going to be used in my introduction. The way i am going to use this is because i am going to Photoshop my actors onto the poster from the 80's action film they will be portraying in my film.
-4 Type of Movement
Akira Kurosawa
The 4 layers of movement i am wanting to use in my film are:
Character- characters moving in the scene
Camera- The camera moving in the scene around/with the characters/environment
Environment-The Environment moving around the scene for example the weather would be one since this is subtle movement to keep the composition fresh and keeps the shot moving even when still.
Large Groups-What this focuses on is for large groups to move which is vital when working on war movie especially as it can add a sense of realism to a scene.
The Three highlighted red are the layers of movement i am wanting to add into my shots as these are the most viable layers for the size of the piece i am wanting to make. Also the budget wouldn't allow for large groups of people to be moving within a scene as i would have to budget for an excessive amount of actors.
Mop- Comedy Short Film
This is an example of a short film. This short films genre is Comedy which is the style i am wanting to make my film about. This film uses simple lighting, with one main location. The film was shot at 24fps. I am wanting to shoot an action piece so when I am to shoot mine in a style that keeps paces so for this there are going to be lots of shots that are going to be using a shoulder rig to shoot since this is the best way of shooting action that isn't handheld. This sets the pace through the way it is shot which is lots of locked off shots since this is a film in a mundane place.
What I found during this film was that it used the Todorov narrative theory.
Be Kind Rewind
This film is the main inspiration for my film and this is going to be what I use to find the basis for the entire piece. What I am going to be using from this film is the overall style which is making films on a budget. The aesthetic that I am trying to achieve is a that my film is a blatant parody of these films. Using composition. This film uses the Todorov Narrative Theory which is the narrative structure i am wanting to use in my piece.
Atomic Tom-Do you want me
I also wanted to see what a similar idea would look like in a music video. By looking at different types of media products i can find out how non-traditional methods of telling a story can be used in cinema. What i found in this piece was that there wasn't much in terms in narrative but when it comes to the way in which the references are made they are made in way that is subtle, and trigger and enigma so you think about the music video whilst watching it.
-Michael Bay Loves "West Side Story"-Link
Micheal Bay has developed his style around movement and how he can use it to inspire emotion from his audience but his style is inspired west side story and mimics many movements and shots from this film in many of films now. This plays in to some of previous sources as he is working to preserve the classic he has watched in his new work which validates the data collected from both sources as they both support each other.
-Ready Player One backlash, explained-Link
What i learned from these articles is how pop culture references are made in modern cinema and how to use them in order to stylize media products by doing this. What i am going to mainly focus on about this is the article about "Ready Player One, Backlash, Explained" is because i want to know what doesn't work so i can get it right.
I also looked at the types of pop culture references and how they are used in different genres and what i have seen that in comedy films they tend to use references to parody so it can sell a joke.
Type of Data
ValidAppropriate information, Believable, the truth
Mood Board
Product-I am making a short film. The Genre of this piece is going to be a Action film. There are going to be element of comedy in piece through the use of parody.
Price-The piece i am making is going to be free to watch. The way in which this piece will make money is by monetizing the video on the All 4 app. This is also going to be shown on TV so it will make money through TV advertisements.
Place-I am going to show my film on Channel 4, at 10 o'clock. The reason for this to be shown at this time is because it will be showing violence and i also like to have the ability to have strong language in my films but this may change depending on the script of the film.
Promotion-I am going to use a digital marketing campaign to promote my film. I go into greater detail about this in the digital marketing campaign section of this page.
The Target Audience
The target audience of my film is going to be 18-24 year olds. The reason for this is because of the genre of my film is comedy using short gags and skits. A similar show to what I am wanting to create is some of the sketches from SNL. The most popular demographic for this type of piece is 30-44 for often watching of this product. The reason this is important is because I am going to be making a parody of 80s action films so this demographic would have grown up watching these films so my piece will bleed into this demographic making it more susceptible. What is shown is the audience demographic for SNL.I am going to be showing my film on Channel 4. The reason for this is because Channel 4 had late night television shows that has the same target demographic for my film so the audience will be more inclined to watch. My film will be shown post watershed so it can contain strong language and violence. Below is the schedule for Channel 4 leading up to post watershed hours so you can see the style of content that is being shown.
Social Economic Status
In order to get a precise target audience I am going to look at a the BARB report on the social economic status of the viewers of Channel 4.
Marketing Campagin
The way I am going to market my film is by using a simple digital marketing campaign and published marketing in magazines as well as posters for my film. I am going to look into where to publish my marketing tools. The reason for mainly focusing on a digital marketing campaign is because of the engagement of the audiences online and the variety of demographics that use the internet. The sites and methods i am going to look at are targeted towards my audience which is the 18-24 age demographic. The reasoning on why i chose these is because they have been proven to work for my demographic as provided in the examples below.Search Engine Optimisation
The way I am going to sue Search Engine Optimisation for my film is by using it to show my film higher in the search listenings on google showing it as a sponsored site. This will be there to link people to the channel 4 site that has my film on it. This means that my film will be shown to people who are looking for Channel 4 on google marketing it towards people who are looking for the same type of content as my product. Here is an example of how it can be used:
Direct address Newsletter
This is going to be a news letter sent out to people who use the channel 4 streaming platform All 4. To sign up for this you must add an email. I am wanting to send an email which has a small news letter attached with the poster that is going to say when it is going to be shown on television and where it is going to be shown. Here is an example of where direct address can be used to promote a product or event:

Social Media Marketing Social Media Demogrpahics
Social Media is going to be used for majority of my marketing since this has the largest reach out of them all. The social media I am going to consider using are Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snap chat and YouTube. The reason for using these social media sites is because of the reach and tools they use. I am going to research each type of social media and their demographics and marketing techniques to see which will be most effective for my product.
Facebook has 2.27billion users so this is a huge audience to show my product to. I am going to focus my add in the UK using Facebook's marketing options. I am also going to make a page for the film which will have posts with exclusive content leading up to the release.
Facebook Demographics
Instagram ads work differently to most since it is not a link to a separate website but to an Instagram, this makes this site more likely to get the clicks that are wanted from this kind of marketing. 71% of Instagram users fit into my demographic making this one of the most impactful sites for my marketing campaign.
Instagram Demographics
Snap chat has a section which is for featured pages and subscriptions which I am going to use to promote my film. Snap chat isn't designed for marketing but can work well for this type of content.
78% of snapchat users are in my target audience which are 18-24 year olds.
Snapchat Demographics
Twitter is one of the most used social media services and is often used alongside a lot of social media sites like YouTube and Instagram. With this social media site advertisements are valued because of the amount of interaction that is happening on the platform making it valuable to marketers. 37% of the users on twitter are my targeted audience.
Twitter Demographics
Youtube is the biggest media sharing platform in the world and amassing 4 billion views every day. This attention is valued to digital marketers and for me it is going to be one the vital parts of my advertising campaign. 1.9 billion users login to Youtube everyday, 37% of those are 18-34 year olds which is my targeted audience.
Youtube Demographics
In conclusion the types of social media I am going to use are Youtube, Instagram and Twitter. The reason for the is because of the engagement of the sites which is important to me since I want people to interact and notice my product so my film performs well.
Magazine Advertisement
The reason I want to use this type if marketing is because of the theme of the piece I am making. I am making a film centered around the 80s, so for this the most appropriate form of marketing is posters. Posters know aren't as effective as before but by placing them as single page advertisements in magazines it makes the film fashionable to a modern market. So the question now is which magazine? The Daily Mail has the highest percentage of readers under 34 which means this is the obvious choice since my target audience is 18-24 year old's.
Newspaper Demographics
Comedy Styles British vs American Comedy-Now you see it
British vs American
British comedy is mainly focused on playing the fool and finding fun in the low moments whereas American comedy is mainly focused on taking risks. For my film I am wanting to use the American style of comedy since I believe this will fit the style of piece I am wanting to make and also the example piece I am looking at for my demographic use American humor. American style shows have seen massive success in the UK for the past 10 years with sit-coms and Comedy films especially with my target audience, so this style will suit my targeted audience.
QuestionnaireHere are the responses to the questionnaire in order. What i was looking for with this survey was a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data as this would give me a good mixture of responses.
(3)If you were to pick an action hero from the 80s that you would like to see be featured in this film who would it be?
(4)Do you think this film(Based on the brief description given before hand) would apply to other people your age such as your friends and classmates?
(8)What types of shows do you watch on this platform?
(9)If you could pick any platform which would you be most likely to watch this show on?
Focus Group
I believe a focus group will be best way of gathering Valid data from my film since I can ask my target demographic specifically what they would like to see. The way i am going to use this focus group is by releasing a paper based survey. This will involve all of the questions from the questionnaire but will be accurate towards my intended audience rather than being accessible to everyone.
I am going to conduct an interview where I ask open questions to attain qualitative data from my target demographic. Since my target audeince is 18-24 year olds i decided to interview this age demographic. This seemed easy as i am currently in college and surrounded by members of my demographic. When asking these question i decided to remove them from any distractions to avoid the data being interfered with as this would damage the reliabilty of the data collected. Since this is going to be an interview i am going to be asking open ended question so i can gather opinions on my ideas. This will give reasoning for the results for my Questionnaire. I am going to keep this interview short as i am looking for longer responses to the questions i ask.I am going to be interviewing Corbyn Back, He is a student at the College of West Anglia in kings Lynn. He is a white male who is 19 years old.
Here are the questions i asked followed by the responses i was given:
(1)When watching a comedy which style are you more drawn to, American or British?
I would rather watch american style comedy's as they tend to be more suited to my type of humor.
I think it because i have grown up watching this style of comedy in american movies so i guess it is what i can relate to the most. I can still enjoy movies like Hot Fuzz as it mocks american films so it make sense still but i don't like how sad and dull British comedy is.
(2)If you were to pick an action hero from the 80's that you would like to see be featured in this film who would it be?
I would like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger from the Terminator. Its an iconic film and you know exactly who he is just by looking at him so i makes the most sense. Also he has awesome lines in those film which are instantly recognizable.
(3) Do you think this film(Based on the brief description given before hand) would apply to other people your age such as your friends and classmates?
I think that my friends would watch this since they tend to watch films like Hot Fuzz.
(4)Which television channels do you tend to watch the most and when?
I don't really watch TV but when I do its like channel 4 and BBC.
(5)If this was to be uploaded onto an online platform would you be more likely to watch it versus a television network?
I would watch it on YouTube since I tend to watch the most shows on streaming platforms
It has become routine for me since i can watch what i want when i want.
(6)Do you use the application All 4?
I used it to watch comedy shows like "Inbetweeners" and "IT Crowd". Recently they brought adult swim shows to all 4 so i'm going to be watching All 4 more.
(7)What types of shows do you watch on this platform?
I watch comedy shows.
(8)If you could pick any platform which would you be most likely to watch this show on?
All 4
I would watch this style of show on All 4 since it is a parody so i think it would fit well on All 4 but i would also release this on YouTube since it is very popular.
What I learned From My Primary Research was that people who watch Channel 4 or All 4 tend to watch it for comedy shows and you can see how Channel 4 is trying to reach this audience by the showing of Adult Swim shows on Channel 4 and All 4. With this new found information i am going to now try and enhance the comedy aspects of my piece so i can target this audience.
What i also learned is that the style of show would encourage people to tell their friends and family about the film i am wanting to create which means that it has targeted my audience correctly since it fashionable which i found through my research of 80's films in modern cinema in my secondary research.
ArticleMarketing Theory
When I am marketing my film I am going to be using theor
For my piece I am going to need particular skills in order to get my desired effect, one of the skills I am going to use is parralaxing. This is going to be used for my intro since I am going to be using classic movie posters to introduce the characters. What I am going to need to look at is
Parallaxing Tutorial
I used this tutorial to find out how to make this style of animation since this i going to be used in my introduction. The way i am going to use this is because i am going to Photoshop my actors onto the poster from the 80's action film they will be portraying in my film.
-4 Type of Movement
Akira Kurosawa
The 4 layers of movement i am wanting to use in my film are:
Character- characters moving in the scene
Camera- The camera moving in the scene around/with the characters/environment
Environment-The Environment moving around the scene for example the weather would be one since this is subtle movement to keep the composition fresh and keeps the shot moving even when still.
Large Groups-What this focuses on is for large groups to move which is vital when working on war movie especially as it can add a sense of realism to a scene.
The Three highlighted red are the layers of movement i am wanting to add into my shots as these are the most viable layers for the size of the piece i am wanting to make. Also the budget wouldn't allow for large groups of people to be moving within a scene as i would have to budget for an excessive amount of actors.
Mop- Comedy Short Film
This is an example of a short film. This short films genre is Comedy which is the style i am wanting to make my film about. This film uses simple lighting, with one main location. The film was shot at 24fps. I am wanting to shoot an action piece so when I am to shoot mine in a style that keeps paces so for this there are going to be lots of shots that are going to be using a shoulder rig to shoot since this is the best way of shooting action that isn't handheld. This sets the pace through the way it is shot which is lots of locked off shots since this is a film in a mundane place.
What I found during this film was that it used the Todorov narrative theory.
Be Kind Rewind
This film is the main inspiration for my film and this is going to be what I use to find the basis for the entire piece. What I am going to be using from this film is the overall style which is making films on a budget. The aesthetic that I am trying to achieve is a that my film is a blatant parody of these films. Using composition. This film uses the Todorov Narrative Theory which is the narrative structure i am wanting to use in my piece.
Atomic Tom-Do you want me
I also wanted to see what a similar idea would look like in a music video. By looking at different types of media products i can find out how non-traditional methods of telling a story can be used in cinema. What i found in this piece was that there wasn't much in terms in narrative but when it comes to the way in which the references are made they are made in way that is subtle, and trigger and enigma so you think about the music video whilst watching it.
I have decided to look at more articles and journals than books as i believe this is going to be more useful since pop culture references aren't spoken as much in books and often don't relate to what i am talking about. Some of the articles i have looked at are:
-Visual Homage in Cinema-Link
-Nostalgia, VHS and 'Stranger Things' homage to 80's horror'-Link
This Article looks into the different ways to which a film makes references to past films in order pay homage to films. The different styles to which this article speaks about are:
-International Connections-Showing the same scene structure/composition as other films from different regions to re-imagine them for western audience.
-Parody-Mocking the classics in order to sell a joke.
-History On Repeat-This is about showing new audiences classic characters in modern films to re link the new audiences with the classic characters that are beloved by so many for example in the 2010 version of the A-Team Bradly cooper meets Dirk Benedict, both of which played Faceman.
This source establishes connections between the audience and the references made in the film as it shows the ways in which references should be used in film to have a lasting impact on audiences which is exactly what i am looking for, what i have also done is checked this source among other to find out whether it is repeatable and i have found some other article which follow a similar structure. I am going to use this source as it has Valid information which is repeatable which is rare for qualitative information.
-Michael Bay Loves "West Side Story"-Link
Micheal Bay has developed his style around movement and how he can use it to inspire emotion from his audience but his style is inspired west side story and mimics many movements and shots from this film in many of films now. This plays in to some of previous sources as he is working to preserve the classic he has watched in his new work which validates the data collected from both sources as they both support each other.
-Ready Player One backlash, explained-Link
What i learned from these articles is how pop culture references are made in modern cinema and how to use them in order to stylize media products by doing this. What i am going to mainly focus on about this is the article about "Ready Player One, Backlash, Explained" is because i want to know what doesn't work so i can get it right.
I also looked at the types of pop culture references and how they are used in different genres and what i have seen that in comedy films they tend to use references to parody so it can sell a joke.
"Understanding Audiences: Theory and Method"
This is a book that talks about audience theories within modern media but what i am going to use from this is the segments about Uses and Gratifications Theory. Since the main part of my film is going to be built up from personal identity in my film. The way i am going to achieve this inside my film is by using a list of movie references.
This book mainly speaks about how geographical location can hold value in the way audiences interpret a scenario or emotion for example, Hopelessness in a city vs Hopelessness in a concentration. A location can create an enigma to make you react with the emotions attached to that place. What I am taking away from this is how a visual enigma can be used to send a message to an audience, in my case being through shot composition and lighting.
My film is going to be focused around referencing iconic 80's films so in order to do this i need to find films with scenes that i think i can replicate. The ones i picked are:
Die Hard(1988)
Robo Cop(1987)
Big trouble in little China(1986)
I am now going to look at the most iconic fighting/action scenes from these films to find the ones that i liked.
-Robo Cop
Gas station Scene
-Terminator Intro
-Die Hard
Welcome to the Party, Pal
-Big trouble in little china Fight scene
Big Trouble in little China Fight Scene
These Films are going to be the films which i reference in my film, the scenes are linked above. What i am going to do it try and write this into the existing story i proposed in my pitch to try and make a good story. These fights are all going to be in one sequence so i need to find a way in which i stitch these together and who wins which fight. When looking at these scenes i wanted to see which parts i will be replicating and some are going to be harder than others.
Todorov Narrative Theory
The Todorov theory is how the story is structured. It uses 5 main steps to do this, the equilibrium, the problem, the realization of the problem, problem solved and new equilibrium. This is how i am going to structure my film as this is the most common way of telling a story. The other reason i want to use this type of narrative structure is because of the duration of the piece i am making since i only have 5-10 minutes to tell the story and any other would take away from the story.
I am going to use alignment to side the audience with my main character. This is going to be done using cinematography since all the characters are going to be likable since it is a comedy. One of the ways i am going to this is by telling the story from the perspective of the main protagonist. This will justify his actions making the audience attach themselves to him.
Uses and gratifications
For this i am going to use personal identity to have the audience attach themselves to characters within the film, the way i am going to this is by using 80's film references so it will be easy to attach to each of the charters since they will be themed by the films. I am going to research examples of how this has been used in films which use pop culture references in them so i can analyse what the audience love about these films.
Hot Fuzz(Edgar Wright,2007)
The reason i wanted to look at Edgar Wright's work is because he has a very distinct style which he uses to launch punchlines towards the audience using pop culture references and re-imagining shots from these films to match the style of film he is working on for
The way this relates to my film is because Edgar wright uses the same shot composition from Bad Boys 2 to sell the same emotions from the film it is referencing which makes the audience feel as though the film is more engaging drawing them into the cinematic experience which is a gratifying for the audience.
House Location-The cost of this location would vary depending on how it needs to be made, if it were to be built in a stage it would cost £950 per day for a small studio plus then it would have to have a stage built within it so that would not be cost effective for a small budget piece like this so a actual house would be easier to film within. Airbnb would work well since it is low cost, with permission form the owners it would work well as a good location since i wont need to build the set to look like a home, rather it will be one. With the ability to have a set for upwards or £95 a night it seems to be the way of getting a location on a budget.
Here is the Airbnb website were i got all my information:
The kit i am wanting to make my film are video cameras. Black magic seem to be the most user friendly and conveniently priced so i am going to look at rental companies to see what the pricing for these cameras are for 2 nights since that is the maximum time this shoot will take.
See Bibliography page for all the sources that have been used.
This book mainly speaks about how geographical location can hold value in the way audiences interpret a scenario or emotion for example, Hopelessness in a city vs Hopelessness in a concentration. A location can create an enigma to make you react with the emotions attached to that place. What I am taking away from this is how a visual enigma can be used to send a message to an audience, in my case being through shot composition and lighting.
My film is going to be focused around referencing iconic 80's films so in order to do this i need to find films with scenes that i think i can replicate. The ones i picked are:
Die Hard(1988)
Robo Cop(1987)
Big trouble in little China(1986)
I am now going to look at the most iconic fighting/action scenes from these films to find the ones that i liked.
-Robo Cop
Gas station Scene
-Terminator Intro
-Die Hard
Welcome to the Party, Pal
-Big trouble in little china Fight scene
Big Trouble in little China Fight Scene
These Films are going to be the films which i reference in my film, the scenes are linked above. What i am going to do it try and write this into the existing story i proposed in my pitch to try and make a good story. These fights are all going to be in one sequence so i need to find a way in which i stitch these together and who wins which fight. When looking at these scenes i wanted to see which parts i will be replicating and some are going to be harder than others.
Todorov Narrative Theory
The Todorov theory is how the story is structured. It uses 5 main steps to do this, the equilibrium, the problem, the realization of the problem, problem solved and new equilibrium. This is how i am going to structure my film as this is the most common way of telling a story. The other reason i want to use this type of narrative structure is because of the duration of the piece i am making since i only have 5-10 minutes to tell the story and any other would take away from the story.
I am going to use alignment to side the audience with my main character. This is going to be done using cinematography since all the characters are going to be likable since it is a comedy. One of the ways i am going to this is by telling the story from the perspective of the main protagonist. This will justify his actions making the audience attach themselves to him.
Uses and gratifications
For this i am going to use personal identity to have the audience attach themselves to characters within the film, the way i am going to this is by using 80's film references so it will be easy to attach to each of the charters since they will be themed by the films. I am going to research examples of how this has been used in films which use pop culture references in them so i can analyse what the audience love about these films.
Hot Fuzz(Edgar Wright,2007)
The reason i wanted to look at Edgar Wright's work is because he has a very distinct style which he uses to launch punchlines towards the audience using pop culture references and re-imagining shots from these films to match the style of film he is working on for
The way this relates to my film is because Edgar wright uses the same shot composition from Bad Boys 2 to sell the same emotions from the film it is referencing which makes the audience feel as though the film is more engaging drawing them into the cinematic experience which is a gratifying for the audience.
House Location-The cost of this location would vary depending on how it needs to be made, if it were to be built in a stage it would cost £950 per day for a small studio plus then it would have to have a stage built within it so that would not be cost effective for a small budget piece like this so a actual house would be easier to film within. Airbnb would work well since it is low cost, with permission form the owners it would work well as a good location since i wont need to build the set to look like a home, rather it will be one. With the ability to have a set for upwards or £95 a night it seems to be the way of getting a location on a budget.
Here is the Airbnb website were i got all my information:
The kit i am wanting to make my film are video cameras. Black magic seem to be the most user friendly and conveniently priced so i am going to look at rental companies to see what the pricing for these cameras are for 2 nights since that is the maximum time this shoot will take.
This would be my choice of camera and since i would be renting for 2 days it would cost £300 to rent, If i rent for 3 days it would cost less so i would rent for 3 days instead to save money in the budget.
See Bibliography page for all the sources that have been used.
Marketing enhances the clarity of the target audience... explain how on this page tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteEnsure to fully explain and discuss how your research (both primary and secondary) is applied to your piece. What is the connection between your demographic and specific shots/sequences in your film? Please work on this in the session today and Saturday (tomorrow).