For this unit i am going to be writing a Essay which will need to be turned into a Video Essay. For me this is going to be linked to FMP as this will aid my research. What i am wanting to make my video on is "How Edgar Wright uses pop culture references can improve visual style". For this i am going to be researching some core parts of a Essay. -Number 1-Harvard Referencing What it is, How to use it, Examples of its use -Number 2-Video Essays What it is, How they are constructed, an example of a script used to make it Harvard Referencing What is it? Harvard is a style of referencing used mainly by University students to credit sources of information. How to use it? Each reference (or citation as it says on the website i am using) states that in order for it to be a Harvard Reference it needs to have the following: -Name of the Author(s) -Year Published -Title of the source -City Published -Publisher -Pages Used Structure Last name, First Intial. (Year Publ...